About me
Hi, I'm Teik Oh, and I'm on a journey of discovery about men's quality boots

Who Am I?
I am a Management Consultant in real life and if you want to see what I really do to earn a living, go to Teik Oh Dot Com or my small business channel on YouTube
But then come back! Because this is totally different content, right here!
Firstly, let me acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands I live and work on, Whadjuk country, in Western Australia.
In my blog here, I write about quality men's boots and make videos on YouTube about boots and all things boot-related. This website, and my YouTube channel, are both called Bootlosophy, and in them, I post reviews of boots, unboxing of new boots, follow-up reviews after long-term wear, and mix the boot review with the philosophy of the boot - why wear boots? What thought goes into a boot and why? What is the driving force within founders of boot brands, what do they stand for and why? If nothing else, you can disagree and tell me so!
I have owned boots for decades, but to be honest I have owned them as functional pieces of footwear. It wasn't until early 2020 when COVID struck and I saw some heritage-style boots that I started online shopping boots to an obsessive degree. I love boots. I love the aesthetic of boots and I love finding out more about how they are made, why they are made that way and what people think of them. I now own an insane number of boots, and one day I may sell some of them (just not right now).
Besides writing and making videos about boots, I'm a crazy follower of other boot review channels. Here are a few you need to know if you're really into boots:
Aerosurferlv https://www.youtube.com/user/aerosurferlv
Gentleman's Journey https://www.youtube.com/c/GentlemansJourney
Niftee_Thriftee Jordan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFQThjlXD6PNA6LwaUfGhpA
Rose Anvil https://www.youtube.com/c/RoseAnvil
Stridewise https://www.youtube.com/c/Stridewise
The Vintage Future https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFnRfQe19WsuNjGDYfpZP9w
Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/teikoh/
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/Bootlosophy
Full Disclosure
If any blog post here, or YouTube video on my channel is sponsored, I will declare it clearly in the article, the video and/or the video description on YouTube. Even if a video is sponsored, I will review the product openly and honestly giving you, in my personal opinion, warts and all of the product. If I do not declare it in the article/video and/or the description, you can be certain that it is NOT sponsored!